
A writing space for you to enjoy and a writing space for me to employ to increase my writing pace.

Tag: Christianity

The Blessings of God

The blessings of God are still the same,
I thank the Lord he doesn’t change,
Granting all I ever need,
Gifting me, by his creed,
He lifts my soul, my mind, my all,
I owe it to him to answer the call.

Though once laying in despondency,
I looked and saw him on the tree,
Up he called me, up and fight,
From darkness, into light,
From the curses of the world around,
To the Lord, Christ, where blessings are found.

The Ancient of Days

God is eternal good,
He is the Ancient of Days,
Yet never decays,
Nor waxes older,
Though time changes me.

Faithful Love

We all face troubled times. It’s always worked best for me to turn to one only.

Keep her, O Lord,
Hold her to thy breast,
Feed her on thy word,
Bind her close in faithful love.

Take my heart, Prince,
Bring me peace through faith,
I only cope since,
Bind me close in faithful love.

Sing, Oh My Soul, Sing

This hymn is based upon several promises found throughout the Bible, including the greatest.

The Lord is good in all things,
Oh my soul, sing, sing,
He has giv’n you Eagles wings,
Sing, oh my soul, sing!

He has made a house for me,
Oh my eyes, see, see,
God himself has brought you free,
See, oh my eyes, see!

Thou art by my side, I know,
Oh my joy, glow, glow,
Thou hast made me white as snow,
Glow, oh my joy, glow!

Gods own Son born Christmas Day,
Oh my voice, pray, pray,
Gather round about his stay,
Pray, oh my voice, pray!

Son of Man for us to die,
Oh my feet, fly, fly
Come to He who rules on high,
Fly, oh my feet, fly!

When you have giv’n all your best,
Oh my soul, rest, rest,
Only when He ends the test,
Rest, oh my soul, rest.

From The Cup Of The Prince

A short verse this evening. Based around names from Isaiah and John, and thanks to the Lord.

I drink up the moments thou grantest me,
O, Prince of Peace, my Lord,
May rest everflow, from thy cup, so free,
O, Wonder, Living Word.

Policy In Life

Taking me from where I want to be,
Putting me down here, where I should be,
So there are no complaints,
We do the work as saints,
And give thanks that we are we.

Taking me from where I want to be,
Putting me down here, where I should be,
Now we do see the state,
We take glad to our fate,
And give thanks that we are free.

Thy Servant

King, I have asked and thou hast heard,
Thy servant calls thee by thy Word.

Though temptation coils round about,
Thou hast given the just amount.

Great thanks to thee, my saviour, Lord,
My foes have fallen by thy sword.

Ever Loving Care

Open my eyes,
Let me see,
How I owe,
It all to thee,
How thou held me,
In thine arms,
Far above,
Those worldy charms.

They did try to,
Snatch and tear,
Me from thy,
E’er loving care,
But who can reach,
Gods great might,
Surely none,
None have that right.

The Storm

Collaboratively written by a friend and myself.

There was great calm when it was said,
Peace and be still you troubled sea,
So with me, my worries fled,
When I called to Thee, to Thee.

My Christ’s love I do sing in Psalms,
For when he died on that green hill,
He had made the storm a calm,
So that all the waves were still.

All anxieties that linger,
I give them to your grace, your will,
And as I go down to slumber,
I see that all the waves are still.

Thou hast loved me, Lord, from old,
This is all, my one great fear,
That my faith might lose its hold,
May I know that thou art near.

‘I will be with thee’ Thou hast said,
‘Be not afraid, my chosen child’,
On these words I rest my head,
And the storm turns calm and mild.

-Andrew Davies and Jessica Hart

A Short Thankful Prayer

O God, though I fail thee daily,
Thou art by my side alway,
And though I am found wanting,
It is through Jesus Christ I pray.